Doctrinal Beliefs
We believe the Bible to be the inspired, infallible, inerrant Word of God. Given that truth, we believe it to be our duty to carefully study what it says and apply it as the supreme and final authority on all matters of faith and life. 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Psalms 119:9-11, II Peter 1:20-21
We believe that there is one God revealed to mankind and the world through three relationships - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - equal in nature, and fully present in the body of Christ our Lord, differing in roles and functions in different seasons/times (although capable of simultaneous interaction), but a singularity of origin, nature, and being. Deuteronomy 6:4, John 1:1-14, Acts 5:3-4, Matthew 3:16-17, Matthew 28:19
We believe that Jesus Christ is God; that He was born on earth as man; that He lived a sinless life; that He died on the cross for our sins; that He literally raised from the dead; and, lives today, ready and able to forgive those who trust in Him. John 3:16,I Corinthians 15:3-4, I Peter 3:18
We believe that man was originally created by God and in His own image, but that Adam sinned, marring that creation and separating us from God. We believe that man today is born with a sinful nature and is destined to be eternally lost without salvation through faith in Christ and obedience to his precepts. Psalms 51:5, Jeremiah 17:9,
We believe that salvation for every sinner comes solely by the grace of God through faith placed in Jesus Christ. We believe that Christ paid the complete penalty for the sins of every man by His death on the cross. We also believe that all who accept His payment for their sins are adopted into the family of God, and given new life in Him. We believe that this is not a plan that is contingent on man but that man will inevitably produce evidence of salvation through obedience and a change in nature. Hebrews 12:1, Romans 5:6-11, Romans 8:14-17, I John 5:11,12
We believe that the gift of salvation is available to all. (Ephesians 2:8-9) We believe that all that are saved are kept by the power of God and the eternal love of the Father. We also believe that it is the duty of all who are saved to be faithful to their salvation, making Jesus both Savior and Lord. While we know it’s Christ’s job and commission to judge the “quick and the dead” we do realize that there will be a separation of wheat from tare, real and fake- a task that is biblically placed in Christ’s hands…while judgment begins in God’s house and we reserve the right to dismiss people from the local church we still believe that salvation is in the hands of a just God and he must do the separating of the wheat and tare. This is not a principle that suggests lost of salvation as much as it supports the bible’s teachings that these people- those that do not have a true heart conversion- never knew the Lord (in the eternal mind of God); for salvation is predestinated according to the Word, which doesn’t negate man’s choice, but God’s perfection in His choosing. We believe that the true believer is secure and is not daily earning their salvation (as taught by Paul) but must and will daily produce fruit of their salvation and the indwelling of the Spirit of Christ (as taught by James) Romans 8:29-39, Colossians 1:21-23
We believe that baptism in water in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and communion are practices commanded for every believer, baptism being the application of obedience in God’s salvation in the kingdom, the declaration to believers and unbelievers that we are born again, and the removal or remission of the eternal punishment and ownership of sin. Acts 2:38, Matthew 28:19, John 3:5, Mark 16:15-16, Acts 19:2-6
We believe that the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is for EVERY BELIEVER and that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are for the edification of the body of Christ and that the fruits of the Spirit are inevitable in the child of God and as our sanctification to God (a process) increases so does our capability in the Spirit and our likeness to Christ. We believe that both signs follow them that believe and that the Holy Spirit has come up on them as prophesied by Jesus. We believe that this is evidenced by the fruits of the Holy Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23.
We believe that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is for every believer and is accompanied by the Acts phenomenon of speaking with other tongues. We believe that the indwelling and following of the Holy Spirit is essential to being Christ-like and to the resurrection of the dead and translation of the living. (Romans 8:11, 1 Thessalonians 4: 16-18; Acts 1, 2)
We believe and celebrate communion regularly as a reminder of Christ's working on the cross. We believe that the continuity of this practice is not only essential but required of every believer. We believe that the use of basic wine/juice and unleavened bread/wafers is both consistent with the practice in Exodus, and Jesus’ fulfillment in the Gospel’s of communion. We do not believe that the bread and wine become the body and blood (transubstantiation), but we do believe that Christ counts this communion as an absolute celebration of His body and blood and that the practice shouldn’t be polluted with other materials as these were seen by Christ as the most humble and basic, yet the most relative and relevant. Matthew 3:13-17, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26
We believe sanctification to be a process that begins with salvation but continues as a believer matures in Christ. We believe that the blood of Jesus is resonating and protecting our salvation throughout this process and that we continue to die to the nature of sin daily. Though our trespasses and the Adamic nature that causes the debt of eternal sin is paid at our acceptance of Christ and our baptism that continuing in God and growing in our walk with Christ is a process that is completed through teaching and development. We believe that at all times the child of God must be looking to this process and be in fellowship with the church to attain this process. We believe this to be confirmed through the teachings of Paul the apostle in his epistles to the church and the revelation of John the beloved. Romans, Revelation chapters 1, 2, 3
We believe that SALVATION is an all inclusive offering given exclusively by Jesus Christ and that there is no other savior in the world. We believe that the constitution of the United States does protect religion in the United States but is not the source of confidence for a believer and their dedication to the precepts and beliefs taught in the bible. So reCHARGE CHURCH doesn’t discriminate against anyone of any background, religion, race, color, or preference but we believe that a true heart for God acknowledges the precepts taught by the Word and the pastoral staff of reCHARGE CHURCH and our brothers in the kingdom community. Thus, the principles of the Word are taught in the church so that every believer is in line with God’s pleasure and design for His kingdom. Though ALL can be saved there is a responsibility to God for ALL BELIEVERS to conform to the principles established by Christ and his apostles. We do not believe that this discriminates against race, color, background, creed, or preference in regards to the fulfillment in Christ of the law, which is why a great deal of the law of Moses isn’t in practice in Christianity…but the principles and the process that was attempted by the law is fulfilled in Christ and the writings of his apostles. reCHARGE CHURCH doesn’t interfere in the facilitation of government in regards to the interpretation of the constitution; we solely defend what the bible says in regards to a person and what Christ expects of them. WE do defend the Christian’s right to desire for their children to be raised in a Christ-like environment and this is the reason that we believe in holistic ministry that meets the needs of Christians in that regard. We believe that if our ministry and beliefs come in conflict with the Constitution of the United States in regards to what we perform in the parameters of our religious environment then ultimately for the cause of Christ we are willing to suffer. reCHARGE CHURCH is a safe environment for all people, not one of bigotry but all must follow the order of Christ within the parameters of the ministry, despite background, preference, race, color, or creed as set for by the Word, without bias. A member of reCHARGE CHURCH not representing these precepts is subject to not being involved in the function of the ministry, although they may still attend worship services if they behave in a way that isn’t distracting to the concept set forth by these bi-laws. Our entire staff comes under the order of MINISTRY and will represent the principles of the bible and reCHARGE CHURCH.
We believe that while the body is the temple of the Lord and must be sanctified to God, and is the dwelling place of God, that there is preciousness to the edifice that holds our worship and that God views this local ministry as the dwelling place of his people on the earth. So there must be sanctity, with extreme prejudice to the portions of the building set aside for worship, counseling, and preparation for ministry-related undertakings. There should be no sexual activities, cursing, illegal/illicit drug use, or disorderly conduct in any location of reCHARGE CHURCH ministries. We believe that this is disorder to God and is subject to party removal. We believe that it is our right to secure this principle so that the image of God is projected. Familial and relational interactions should be governed by the pastor and his appointed deacons. We believe that intimacy of relationship is of a private nature and shouldn’t be displayed in the environment of ministry, unless directed in ceremony by the pastor of the church with discretion to appropriateness, particularly in the presence of children.
We believe that activism is not our call…involvement in fairness and equality in the community is under the discretion of the pastoral staff…we seek to promote the principles of Christ, which may not be at contention with behaviors that promote unity outside of the Church. So our involvement in any community related ideals are strictly relegated to things which will promote the cause of Christ and protect our members/congregation. This doesn’t mean that reCHARGE CHURCH is dormant in the face of issues; it simply means that we are not activists for the sake of activism, regardless to personal benefit. Our primary goal is the cause of Christ being preached without discrimination and followed- without bias- by all. We can, however be called upon to be a voice of the Christ’s wisdom in the world. We realize that this doesn’t negate the reality that we may find ourselves the victims of attempts to be trapped into changing our principles or that we may be condemned, exploited, and persecuted for them as there were multiple attempts to entrap Jesus philosophically for the sake of enacting materialized consequences against Him; this does not negate our call to the cause of Christ.